Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it a sin to put coupons instead of money in the basket when they collect money?

Some people dont put anything in there. So if I put coupons for wine or bread then is it considered a sin? You know instead of money?Is it a sin to put coupons instead of money in the basket when they collect money?
If the church has a food bank, I would say that coupons for food would not be sinful as they would help keep the food bank stocked.Is it a sin to put coupons instead of money in the basket when they collect money?
We aren't required to tithe. If you do choose to tithe, its should be done out of obedience and love.Tithing demonstrates that God has first place in your life. Tithing reminds us that everything was given to us by God.

';But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth'; (Deuteronomy 8:18, NIV).

Tithing also helps pay the church bills, help the poor, pay the preachers salary., orphans,missionaries.

We don't give wine and bread we receive it.

The word ';tithe'; means ';a tenth part.'; given in Scripture are that we should give, or ';tithe,'; ten percent of our incomes back to the Lord.
Savings are savings.
It is tacky, not a sin
It's way cool.
Many poor parishes or the church food bank would benifit from valuable coupons for free or good savings on needful items.

If such coupons are what you can give with a joyful heart, God loves your gift.

It isn't a sin, but if your church uses an offering plate (rather than a pouch or offering box) might seem to be an odd place to see coupons.

This might be your opportunity to start a coupon ministry in the church, get people to collect coupons for the more needy members of the congregation and community.

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